atmospheric noise

英 [ˌætməsˈferɪk nɔɪz] 美 [ˌætməsˈferɪk nɔɪz]




  1. A Padding System for Very High Energy Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope and Its Noise
  2. Two factors, atmospheric waveguide and atmospheric noise, which have influence to the communication performance are pointed out in this paper.
  3. An Algorithm of Atmospheric Noise Generating Based on Alpha Stable Distribution
  4. Identification Model of Narrowband ELF Atmospheric Noise Amplitude Probability Distribution
  5. Beijing can be quite a tiring city to live in with atmospheric and noise pollution but the quality of life is improving.
  6. Using the correlation detection, atmospheric background noise is eliminated and signal-to-noise ratio for scattered light to background is enhanced.
  7. To solve the signal fading problem induced by atmospheric turbulence in optical wireless system, a reception signal model involved turbulence noise and other multiplicative noise was proposed.
  8. We have designed to the atmospheric channel noise Turbo code scheme, after introduced the Turbo code basic theory.
  9. Measurement and analysis of atmospheric radio noise
  10. The measured results of the atmospheric radio noise in Fujian regions is also described.
  11. By comparing two traditional measurement systems used to measure VLF transmit antennas impedance in intensive atmospheric noise entironment, a new measurement method based on vector resonance is proposed in this paper.
  12. The adaptive control algorithm, differs like the traditional control algorithm, it considered the effect of atmospheric turbulence and the measurement noise together.
  13. The dependence of ranging performance for an airborne laser range finder on atmospheric transmittance and background noise is theoretically analyzed in accordance with the range equation for the diffuse reflecting target.
  14. In this paper, analyzed the present status of environment pollution in Urumqi, concentrated upon atmospheric pollution, quality of water environment, contamination emission, noise surrounding and other, and came up with defensive countermeasure for pollution.
  15. Associating the scale length of irregularity, the center displacement of field of view and the distortion on the image is explained. Based on the atmospheric model, the excessive time delay and atmospheric phase noise are calculated.
  16. The main parameters of the atmospheric noise is given by analyzing the property of noise, and the simulating model of atmospheric noise is established using classical model in this paper.
  17. Based on classical model of atmospheric noise characteristic parameter, a simulation model of VLF/ LF FSK receiver is established in an atmospheric noise environment.
  18. Some useful data for engineering design are listed, such as how to select the optimum working frequencies for solar activity durations of high and of low periods, the range of excessive path under normal atmospheric condition, and the magnitude of phase noise.
  19. Based on the analysis of the atmospheric channel and avalanche photodiode noise, the mathematical model of the output of the APD detector in the PPM receiver is discussed and the bit error rate of the APD detector is calculated and analyzed.
  20. Measurement of VLF transmitting antenna impedance in intensive atmospheric noise
  21. Atmospheric radio noise characteristics at Fujian regions
  22. TRNGs are usually based on physical phenomena such as thermal noise, atmospheric noise, radioactive decay and even coin-tossing.
  23. The demand of image restoration is rapidly increased since the obtained images in many conditions are often degraded due to relative motion, atmospheric turbulence, lack of focus, noise existing and other factors.
  24. By the developed model, the effects of atmospheric absorption as well as the ground reflection and absorption on rotor aerodynamic noise are calculated and analyzed, and some new conclusions are obtained.
  25. First of all, we are analyze the formation of lightning atmospheric noise, and then use a large amount of observational datas and mathematical formula for the number of atmospheric noise.
  26. In the primary results, We identify Orbital errors, residual topographic errors, atmospheric delay. We then analyse the spatial distribution and frequency characteristics of noise, which provide a basis analysis of assessment methods for the error components.
  27. Cangzhou city surface deformation was extracted by the algorithm, which include of the effective separation of linear and nonlinear deformation. Atmospheric delay and noise are obtained by spatio-temporal filtering method.
  28. Urban land use have an impact on the atmospheric environment, water environment, noise environment, and thus cause some damage to the ecological environment of the city.